Get date and time from remote server

If you need to get date in your application and be sure, that user had no chance to manipulate with it, you can use following snippet.

//This function returns local computer time on network failure (user offline)
public DateTime GetNetworkTime()
    return TreeksLicensingLibrary.NetworkTime.TryGetNetworkTime;

//This function raises an exception when user goes offline
public DateTime GetNetworkTimeUnhandled()
    return TreeksLicensingLibrary.NetworkTime.GetNetworkTime;
'This function returns local computer time on network failure (user offline)
Public Function GetNetworkTime() As DateTime
    Return TreeksLicensingLibrary.NetworkTime.TryGetNetworkTime
End Function

'This function raises an exception when user goes offline
Public Function GetNetworkTimeUnhandled() As DateTime
    Return TreeksLicensingLibrary.NetworkTime.GetNetworkTime
End Function