Module TLLModule
'Replace bytes with your own generated in TLL Toolbox
Private bytInitChunk() As Byte = {59, 73, 118, 210, 5, ...}
Public tlli As New TreeksLicensingLibrary2.EasyIntegration.TLLInterface(bytInitChunk)
Public Sub LoadCustomTranslation()
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("License is activated. You can enter new license below.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Your hardware ID: ")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add(" (double-click to copy)")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("We're now searching valid license online. Please allow few seconds...")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Your license was automatically activated.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Please enter your serial number.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("We're now verifying your serial number, please wait...")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Your license was successfully activated.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("It seems we're having issues with connection to activation server. Would you like to try offline activation?")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("You must enter valid e-mail to activate your license.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("All files (*.*)")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("We're now verifying entered license, please wait...")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Serial number")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Buy license")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Load license from file")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("License data")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Show more licensing options")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Migrate to new PC")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Offline activation")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Auto activation")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Delete local license")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Copy hardware ID")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("We have deactivated license on this computer.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Actual license was cleared from registry.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("HardwareID was copied to clipboard.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("Get offline license")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("License is activated. License owner:")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("How to activate license on offline computer")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("1. Note your hardware ID:")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("2. Note offline activation form URL")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("3. Visit offline activation form on any other online computer, use hardware ID above and get license file for this PC.")
tlli.RegistrationFormTranslations.Add("4. Copy the activation file (using USB drive, etc) to offline computer and use it.")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
End Sub
Private Sub TLLInit()
If tlli.MyLicense Is Nothing OrElse tlli.MyLicense.IsDemo Then
'Do something when in demo/no license state (write your own code)
'Optionally show registration dialog
Dim dres As DialogResult = tlli.ShowRegistrationForm(Me, "App license")
If dres = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
GoTo recheck_license
End If
' Add your app code when full license is activated
' In case you use TLL activation server uncomment following lines to enable revocation check and silent reactivation
If (tlli.OnlineRevocationCheck()) Then
' Invalid/pirated license detected
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class